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Okwy Osadebe

Okwy Osadebe is the eldest child of the late Highlife icon, Chief Osadebe, showing himself as a true protege, and a preserver of the family's legacy. His music follows in his father's pattern of mid-tempo highlife sound involving guitar strings and horns. Okwy's music gives a sound that is thoughtful, compelling, and well-spoken and his colourful theatrical antics give audiences goose bumps.

The lgbo people of Nigeria have a rich cultural legacy, and Okwy is pleased to use his music to commemorate and promote this tradition. In his opinion, he is able to educate and inspire others through his music while also showcasing the elegance of his language, customs, and values. "As an lgbo man, I feel a strong sense of responsibility to preserve and promote our culture, which has been passed down from generation to generation. I believe that music is one of the most powerful ways to do this, as it has the ability to transcend language and cultural barriers," said Okwy. On stage, Okwy interprets and conveys his traditional highlife with a soulful voice and a contemporary upbeat sound. With an adventurous use of new age instrumentation and modulation, he has transformed his late father's music from its vintage sound to a deluxe-metropolis sensation.

With his music, Okwy is drawing global attention and is particular about singing on dignity for everyone. He is adored for his kind voice and rhythm, following his idol and father's musical footsteps. Okwy is striving to uphold and improve the rich musical tradition for a more global acceptance.


Please Note: With an open dance floor, a ticket guarantees admission but does not guarantee seating.



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Thursday, July 25, 2024 8:00PM


Okwy Osadebe & Highlife Soundmakers International


Please Note: Donor discount applied at checkout. Interested in donating? Click here.

Advance Tickets: $30.00; Tickets at the Door: $35.00 (plus fees)


Please Note: With an open dance floor, a ticket guarantees admission but does not guarantee seating.

Doors: 7:00PM; Show: 8:00PM

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